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Home Children's Bible Stories

Israel Tempts the Lord by Murmuring; God Testes Israel
(Exodus 15:22-17:7)

After crossing the Red Sea, the children of Israel traveled three days in the wilderness. They were getting desperate for water and finally came to Marah.

There was water in Marah, but it was bitter. So, the children of Israel complained to Moses because they did not have any water to drink. God showed Moses a tree which he threw into the bitter water and turned it sweats. Before they left Marah, God gave them an ordinance to test them. If they kept God's commands, he would take care of them and heal them. After leaving Marah, God brought them to Elim where there was plenty of water.

After the children of Israel departed from Elim, they began to run out of food. Then they began to complain to Moses about not having enough food to eat. Moses told them that they were not murmuring against him but against God. The Lord heard their murmurings and gave them quail and bread to eat. That evening the lord caused quail to cover their camp. Then the next morning, God caused manna to fall in the morning. They went out every morning and picked up the manna for forty years.

God also gave them another test. He told them to pick up manna every morning except on the seventh day. On the seventh day they were to rest. So, God gave them enough bread on the sixth day to last for two days so that they could rest.

Then Israel came to Rephidim and began to murmur again because they did not have any water. Moses told them that they were tempting the Lord by murmuring. Then God told Moses to go to Horeb and strike the rock that He would show him. Moses obeyed God and water came from the rock and Israel had water to drink.


1. After traveling three days from the Red Sea, did the children of Israel become desperate for water?

2. Could they drink the water in Marah? Why not?

3. What did God do so that they could drink the water?

4. How did God test Israel?

5. Did they have plenty of water in Elim?

6. What did the children of Israel run out of after leaving Elim?

7. What did God do for them?

8. How long did they eat the manna?

9. What were the two tests God gave the children of Israel?

10. What did Israel complain about in Rephidim?

11. What did God do for them?

12. Did God like Israel's complaining?

13. Does God like it when we complain?

14. Did God take care of Israel?

15. Does God take care of us?